
Grivet's Four Easiest Ways to Live a More Sustainable Lifestyle

Grivet's Four Easiest Ways to Live a More Sustainable Lifestyle

The way you live your life doesn't only affect you; it affects the environment, too. And because it affects the environment, how you live your life affects everyone else. From what you eat to what you buy – and even how you get ready to start your day – everything you do has a direct impact on the planet.

Fortunately, you don't have to make drastic changes to be eco-friendly. Here are some easy ways to live a more sustainable lifestyle and reduce your carbon footprint.

Ditch the Single-Use Plastics

Cups, cutlery, plates, and water bottles; ditch those single-use plastic containers for reusable options, instead. By drinking just one bottle of pre-packaged water a day, you’re adding 365 plastic bottles to landfills. Sure, you could recycle, but not all plastics are recyclable. By using a refillable water bottle, reusable cups, plates, cutlery, and even food containers over baggies, you'll be able to make a tremendous impact on the environment.

Bike It or Walk It (Whenever Possible)

While it isn’t always possible – like when you’re traveling over a long distance, you have large loads to tote, or you have to chauffer a brood of children – whenever you can, consider trading in your car keys for a bicycle or a comfortable pair of shoes. For instance, instead of taking the car to run an errand that’s less than a mile away, put on your walking shoes or pull out your bike and helmet. The more you keep your car parked, the kinder you’ll be to the environment.

Switch to LED

Swap out your standard incandescent lightbulbs for more energy-efficient LED bulbs and you'll not only do your part to help the planet, but you'll also save yourself some cash. High-quality LED lightbulbs are made of top-of-the-line materials, so they last a lot longer than standard bulbs. Of course, they also consume less energy – up to 75% less. You'll make significant changes in the size of your carbon footprint when you're lighting your house with LED bulbs.

Dry Your Clothes the Old-Fashioned Way

Did your parents or grandparents hang their clothes out to dry? If so, they were eco-conscious before being environmentally friendly was considered a "thing." Bring back the old clothesline. Hang it up in a sunny spot in your yard where your clothing or linens will get proper airflow. You could also set up a drying rack or a clothesline inside so you can dry your clothing without an electric- or gas-powered dryer even on rainy or cold days.

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  • Memphis, TN.
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